Graduate 8000 Level Course

UG Level Courses (Cross-listed with Graduate Level)
Food Process Engineering
Course # : BIOL_EN / FS 4160/ 7160
Food engineering is a multidisciplinary field that connects science, engineering and technology. The course introduces underlying engineering principles in food processing, and unit operations in food industries. Topics include fluid flow, heat transfer in food processing, preservation process, dehydration, refrigeration, food freezing, psychrometrics, food packaging, emerging technologies, and sustainability.
Credit Hours: 3
(Cross listed with Food Science)
(Introduction to Global Engineering)
Course #: F_S 4301/ BE 4001/ GN_HON 4070H: Advanced Honors Elective Colloquium
This course provides a unique opportunity to bring students from multidisciplinary background as a team and work towards challenges related to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This course will focus on SDG 2: Zero Hunger and highlights the importance of partnership (SDG 17) to address complex global challenges.
Credit Hours: 3
(Cross listed with Biological Engineering & Honors College)